Summer Enrichment Policies
Payment for Summer Enrichment is due in FULL at time of registration. Please ensure the weeks you require, before finalizing your registration as we do not offer refunds, see cancellation below.
Payments can be made via EMT to info@earlyachievers.com or by calling the office at (709) 579-7323 to arrange payment by credit card or paying at the office by debit, credit card or cash.
* All credit card transactions are subject to an additional 2.25% user fee. -
We understand that children get sick and other interruptions can occur that may interfere in your child’s attendance at Summer Camp on any given day. Although we do not offer refunds, we will try our best to credit this time into another suitable week during Summer Camp 2025 if space is available and if a 24-hour advance notice by email is received.
School-Age Children: Children are required to bring two healthy snacks, one for morning and afternoon as well as lunch. Please ensure to pack a water bottle. To help keep our facility as free of allergens as possible, we ask that you not pack fast food for lunches as we cannot guarantee the place of purchase is allergen free.
Please check all foods for peanuts, tree nuts, and eggs, as there are children with severe allergies and these foods are not permissible. Even items that say “may contain” will be sent home.
Eggs are only permitted in baked goods, such as a muffin, banana bread etc., anything with egg as a first ingredient such as quiche, Mayonnaise, etc. is prohibited. Thank you in advance for following these important safety rules. This list is subject to change, and we will notify you if modifications are made. Please label all home-baked items as allergen free when you send them in.
Please note we are a SCENT FREE School. -
In a backpack, please send a refillable water bottle marked with your child’s name, change of clothes, a sweater or jacket, a hat, and indoor footwear. Make sure outdoor footwear is suitable for playground play – no flip flops, Crocs, open back sandals, or open toe shoes.
Please apply sunscreen to your child before arrival each day and include sunscreen in your child’s bag labeled with his/her name and we will reapply as needed. Please do not send spray sunscreen or Neutrogena sunscreen products. Please ensure to check sunscreen expiry date.
If your child presents with a fever (38.1 or higher) you will be called to come pick up as soon as possible and they will not be able to return until 24 hours after the fever subsides.
If your child presents with a minimum of 2 bouts of diarrhea you will be asked to pick them up and they will not be able to return for 24 hours. If they present with other gastro symptoms such as vomiting, or if they seem unwell and unable to take part in daily activities, you may be contacted to pick them up as soon as possible.